It’s that time of the year again! Across the country thousands of people just like you are registering for a 15 week class that will forever change the way they see the world and their place in it. Get threaded into the biggest story of all time. Perspectives will open the eyes of your heart with fresh knowledge and understanding of God’s unchanging purposes and why they’re relevant to your life.

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is taught by 15 instructors in 15 weeks, hosted by churches and universities across the nation. Perspectives helps believers from all walks of life see how they can get threaded into God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Himself. From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus Christ to the early church, and Constantine to today, you will see how God has been moving, how the global Church has responded, and what the greatest needs in world evangelization remain today. It isn’t a class about missions, but a course on how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.

The Course is Divided into Four Sections


With striking clarity, Perspectives illuminates God’s unchanging promises as they unfold from Genesis to Revelation. You may never read your Bible in the same way when you experience how Jesus threads believers like yourself into His epic story.


Christian history is wrought with the immeasurable power of God. From Abraham to today you’ll walk in the shoes of believers who have paved the way and set the stage to thread us all into God’s story.


Through Christ Jesus we will eventually see the expressions of the New Testament church thriving among every nation, tribe, people and language. You will experience how God is threading diverse peoples into His story in culturally relevant ways.


There are endless opportunities to help complete the Great Commission. Getting threaded into the story is about discovering practical and strategic opportunities to leverage your passions, training and expertise for His glory at home or abroad.

Classes Are Starting Now!

Wondering what your life purpose is? Want to do something meaningful with your life? What better way to start the new year than to learn how to be a part of God’s strategic plan for the world! If you are looking for direction this is the place to find it.

Classes begin this month (January), so find a class nearby and register now! Most locations let you register and attend the first one or two classes for free, so there is nothing to loose. And if no classes are available in your area, check out Perspectives Online.

Perspectives has changed my life, and I’m sure it will change yours as well. I challenge you to take a small leap of faith and register. You’ll be ruined for the ordinary!

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